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Company communication

At a time of globalisation, the major groups are expanding and setting up subsidiaries abroad. How can they preserve their monopoly? How can they impose their products and brands? How can they communicate within the groups? How can they gain a foothold on the market and control the market? The conditions for success are as numerous as the advertising and communication means. You are the promoters and, as translators, we can help you communicate with your foreign partners.

  • Advertising brochures
  • Leaflets
  • Company newsletters
  • Market surveys
  • Opinion polls
  • Questionnaires

Sociology/Sustainable development

In many parts of the world, human beings suffer from drought, famine, disease, lack of infrastructures and education, as well as from conflicts generated by unequal distribution of wealth. In other regions, organisations and services of different size take action and work for peace, cooperation and assistance, people join associations dedicated to humanitarian causes and solidarity. Numerous analyses and studies are carried out in projects and programmes initiated or implemented by these associations and other institutions or non-governmental organisations. Motivated by a determination to participate in this movement, I translate sociological and humanitarian studies, especially on the following subjects:

  • Impact of projects combating poverty
  • Crafts and small businesses in the developing countries
  • Reintegration of soldier-children in the school system and professional training for adults
  • Sustainable resource management
  • GMO, a threat for food sovereignty
  • Sustainable development for an economy respectful of the environment
  • Equality between women and men


Industrial activity, building construction, land consolidation, land and sea pollution lead to consequences which will leave long-term scars on our planet. The fate of the world is at stake and we are witnessing renewed interest in the beneficial and detrimental effects on the ecology. I combine interest and knowledge in this field and translate the following types of document:

  • Quality audits
  • Information and prevention documentation
  • Ecological studies
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